Welcome to your doom!!!
i guess
Click the UFO to visit the About Me section.
This site was last updated 5/17/2023.
Welcome to my homepage. I'm Randy, Randal, or more professionally "capitalistboyfriend". You may also know me as some variation of "Kepler". I founded this site in early December of 2021. It is simply my homepage. My makeshift boat in a sea of numbers. Something to link to on my social medias. Something to put on business cards. That would be very entertaining. Let me know if I should do that.
There was a dead period for updates here spanning from May to December of 2022, but I got a new laptop and now I care about the internet again. Anyway: Hello! Thank you for visiting my homepage.
You can find my Youtube here,
I sometimes post nonsense. Give it a looksy! New stuff coming soon. Hehe.
You can find my Tumblr here, but I've been less active there lately.
I also have a TikTok where I mainly post photos I take in my day-to-day life overlayed with emotional sounding music and clips of Jedidiah Martin from Camp Here & There talking.
The image below tracks the current moon phase. It goes with the space theme of this front page!
My iMood is/was...
You are visitor number...
(powered by
Counter reset on 12/17/21, and I refresh a lot during development
which sometimes gets counted, so keep in mind that number may
not be fully accurate.
check back later for updates.
I do not make any money off this site, and I never will. I am not sponsored nor endorsed by anyone.
This is just my corner of the web! Please be aware of that!
I actually lose money from it.
...I have to pay to have music play in the background.
Music on all pages belongs to Griffin McElroy. You can visit his bandcamp here!
How can we prove the world didn't start last Thursday?